
Rectangle areas!

Dad & kid Exploring Areas of Rectangles and Squares. Recently, I did a small exploration of the areas of rectangles and squares with my 7-year-old kid who loves learning about math. Here we consider rectangles with two positive integer side lengths, \(a\) and \(b\). The area of a rectangle is \(A = a \cdot b\), and its circumference is ...

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Advent of Code 2023

Advent of Code 2023 I will do this years Advent of Code 2022 in vanilla (only included libraries) python 3.11. I’ve joined the challenge a few times before - but never finished. Let’s see how many days I manage this round :D NOTE: This blog contains spoilers - use it responsibly. I’ve hidden the details for each day behind expand details blo...

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Optimizing matrix multiplication

Introduction I was asked to speed the inner loop that runs many times inside a Markov Chain Monte Carlo. The slowest part of each iteration is taking the product of the Z-scores of a constant matrix, \(X\), and float-valued vectors \(u\) or \(v\). Here, \(X\) is a tall \(n \times m\) matrix with \(n=45000\) and \(m=3\) with all elements in \(...

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Advent of Code 2022

Advent of Code 2022 I will do this years Advent of Code 2022 in vanilla (only included libraries) python 3.10.4. I’ve joined the challenge a few times before - but never finished. Let’s see how many days I manage this round :D NOTE: This blog contains spoilers - use it responsibly. I’ve hidden the details for each day behind expand details bl...

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Fun with fish tiles

The fish tile A fish tile is shown in Figure 1. It is remarkably fun to play with! It is formed by two equilateral pentagons - the regular pentagon head, and the pentagonal crescent tail. The tail opening angle is 108 degrees so it fits a regular pentagon, while the angle between the head and tail is 144 degrees and fits a regular decagon. ...

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Iterating over a parameter space

Introduction I often find myself having to run code for some arbitrary set of different parameters. This can be done with nested for loops. This is not pretty, and poses a challenge for paralleization and progress tracking. In this blog post, I solve this in python with tqdm for progress bars and multiprocess for parallelizing. Weather example...

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Polygon vertices

There are only 21 ways to place regular polygons in gapless tilings. The point where the polygons meet is called a vertex. Vertices are named by the polygons meeting there. For instance, the vertex where four squares meet is In this post, I will make code to find and draw all possible vertices. Regular polygons A regular polygon has $...

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Tree hack - building and printing a tree

In which I made two snippets for my trees. Background Recently, I had to write a python script that transforms incoming data organizsed in a folder structure. For this, I needed both a simple python representation and an easy way to print the data. Consider a project which collects sightings of Bigfoot, Nessie, and Yeti as .csv files for each...

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