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Blog setup

High expectations colliding with harsh reality...

30 oct 2024

Header photo credit1


This blog is built with Jekyll and and is hosted for free on GitHub with GitHub pages. The site is generated from markdown sources automatically on every push to the blog’s git repository.

The first version (v1.0 documented here 2021-06-12) of this blog used the TeXt theme. The current version (v2.0, 2024-10-30) is using a simpler setip with the Chulapa theme and skin. For some earlier attempt at blogging I used GitLab, but I with this blog I wanted to try GitHub pages.

Finding and configuring a suitable theme was more challenging than getting a blog up and running. I found the v1.0 TeXt theme too complicated and focusing a lot on things I don’t want or need. The v2.0 Chulapa theme was a lot easier to get started with. My main requirement for a theme is that it supports code syntax highlighting and math with MathJax maths out of the box.

Getting the blog up and running

I’m using the remote_theme to get my theme working. When writing a post, or testing modifications. There is a useful help repo Chulapa-101 to quickly get things working.

I run Jekyll locally before pushing it to GitHub. Posts added to _drafts/ will not be published when pushing, which is great when writing longer posts. To serve the site including drafts locally to the default, I run

$ bundle exec jekyll serve --drafts --future --incremental --trace

The local server rebuilds the site when the source is modified (with the notable exception of _config.yml). Not only does this cut on waiting for GitHub to build the site, but it also allows me to spot mistakes before publishing. Future also shows posts with a future date, incremental updates pages as they are edited, trace prints more detailed error messages.


I enabled a few options:

  • Enabled tag for Google Analytics and Search Console
    • I removed this as I don’t really benefit from the added tracking…
  • Enabled AddToAny support for easy sharing of posts

And made some additions:

  • Left aligned and indented MathJax equations by adding displayAlign: "left", displayIndent: "2em" to _config in _includes/custom/custom_bottomscripts.html.
  • The tag and category cloud features are not working with Jekyll > 4.0.1. I did not see an easy way around this other than to require 4.0.1.
  • Figured out how to use <display> to show/hide blocks without breaking markdown formatting.
    • I had to remove input: GFM from kramdown settings and use html for the formatting
      <details markdown="1">
      <summary><i>Click to expand...</i><br/>&nbsp;<br/></summary>

      which is felt a little tedious. I figured out how to make a plugin in _plutins/details_tag.rb

      module Jekyll
        class DetailsTag < Liquid::Block
          def initialize(tag_name, markup, tokens)
            @summary = markup.strip
          def render(context)
            content = super
      <details markdown="1">
      Liquid::Template.register_tag('details', Jekyll::DetailsTag)

      which then lets me just do

      {\% details Click to expand details... \%}
      Hidden content.
      {\% enddetails \%}

      (I had to add the slashes not to run the command :S )

  • Enabled search with with
  • Enabled comments with giscus
    • I followed the theme guide to enable discussions on my repo, installing the giscuss app in github only for the blog repo, building the giscus script on the app site, and adding it to the custom includes.
  • Included jekyll-figure plugin to get pictures with figure and figurecaption tags.

GitHub pages annoyances

  • GitHub pages doesn’t like the theme: pointing to an unsupported theme in _config.yml. I got warnings with every build (that otherwise actually worked). Changing this to remote-theme: makes the builds warning-free.
  • GitHub pages runs in safe mode, and doesn’t support most plugins (such as the figure and details plugins that I use). This can be circumvented by building handy GitHub action jekyll-deploy-action . The trickiest part was to change master to main in the yml, and adding a repository secret for repo access. This fix likely fixes the first annoyance, but it still works with remote-theme, so I’ll leave it like it is.

  1. Photo by Ville Palmu on Unsplash